Lessons & Workshops
We offer music lessons from Tuesdays to Thursdays. The instruments we cover are guitar(acoustic and electric), Bass guitar, ukulele, piano/keyboard and drums/percussion. Lessons can be taken in person or online.
We don’t follow a specific syllabus, but rather teach according to our students likes/needs. All beginner lessons include the basics of each instrument, but thereafter we can branch out to the style of music that the student likes.
All ages are welcome. Well from age 6 to however old you are now. Now is the only time you have…so now is the best time to start.
We also do workshops. Our workshops range from music theory related to practical workshops. All levels of playing welcome.
We also like to help worship teams to be more effective. We teach on the dynamics of each player to form the team. Sound and band dynamics and also on worship in general.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.