FEWMS for Alicia Kotze © Elzaan Kotze.

2 Corinthians 2:15
For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

Fewms is a God given idea that developed in my heart about 2012/2013. Only recently in 2022 we had our first FEWMS evening.

FEWMS stands for Friday Evening Worship Ministry Service. It also plays on the word fumes which made me think on the scripture that our worship is like a pleasant smelling fragrance in God’s nostrils. An offering of worship.

A FEWMS evening is an uninterrupted 1½ hours of worship usually followed by ± a half an hour of just fellowshipping with fellow Christians. We usually have something to snack on and to drink while we socialize.

It’s good to share what you’ve experienced in worship with fellow Christians. I’ve noticed that the devil likes to come and steal what God has just sown so that it won’t take root. (See parable of the sower) This time together before we all rush off to our own busy lives again waters the seed a bit before you head back into the world outside the cocoon of worship just experienced.

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